Thursday, July 11, 2013

Question #5 - The Do's and Don't's of Drawing

It's been a while. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I hope this post is worth the wait!

Q: "What are the do's and don't's of drawing?"

(I recommend clicking on images in this post to enlarge them)

  • create a rough "under drawing" before putting in final lines
    • Draw the anatomy underneath the skin (I'll cover some anatomy tips in another post)
    • Know what's happening under the clothes / hair / accessories / etc.
    • Draw all of a partially obscured object or character
  • use reference and do research

  • get into the habit of thumb-nailing more complex drawings

  • have dynamic line work (I'll write more about this in a separate post if someone requests it)

  • practice, practice, practice!
    Work from my first year at art school
    Work from my third year at art school

  • get stuck in one style
    • Having a unique personal style is great, but you should learn a variety of styles as well (including realism!)
    • Get inspiration from a variety of artists - fine artists, concept artists, comic artists, animators, illustrators, etc.
© Chris Sanders
© Aaron Alexovitch

© James Gurney

  • assume something won't be useful to know
    • Never stop learning. Inspiration can be found in subjects beyond art

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