Thursday, March 7, 2013

Welcome to the Field Book!

This is a blog intended to help learning artists, particularly those who might not have access to the kinds of art classes they want or need.

Because this blog was created with learning artists in mind, I want to base my posts on input from my readers. Send me your questions or requests on any topic you would like to learn more about - for example: anatomy, perspective, color theory, composition, etc.

You can contact me through comments on the blog, email (link in my profile), notes or comments sent to my DeviantArt account (link also in my profile, under "My Web Page") or any other way you happen to know to reach me. I will attempt to post a response to every single request sent my way.

Now for a brief tour of the blog page.

To the right I have two collections of links. The first is a list of websites I think will be helpful to any learning artist.

-Character Design Notes is a blog provided by my school. They post lots of wonderful input from professional artists working in character and creature design.

-Temple of the Seven Golden Camels is another blog, created by Disney artist Mark Kennedy. He regularly posts fantastic advice on storytelling, composition, and character design. It's always a fascinating read.

-Figure & Gesture Drawing is a site designed to be an at-home figure drawing class. You select the type of model you want to draw from and the type of drawing session you'd like. Then you're given photos to draw from with a timer. Always excellent practice when you don't have a live figure drawing class available to you.

The second list is a collection of links to the Amazon pages for wonderful art books. I'm trying to include a variety - from animal anatomy to storyboarding. Obviously, you don't have to buy from Amazon, but providing the Amazon page is the best way to display all the book's details so that you can search for it elsewhere.

Both of these lists will continue to grow, so be sure to check them from time to time. Most additions will be mentioned in the blog itself.

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